Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We're Not Alone

Husband and I were talking about what we heard of conference last night and for the first time in a long time neither one of us could remember a talk about porn and/or repentance. (Keep in mind, we have 2 young kids and although conference was on all day, we admittedtly didn't hear it all- or even most.)

"I guess it's just not a problem anymore." I joked with him.
"Yeah. That's what I hear at Group. Nobody's struggling these days, it has just vanished." He responded.

3 or 4 years ago I would have bet that Husband and I were the only ones in the whole wide world with such a horrific problem. Except for perverts, child molesters, and a bunch of people in prison of course.

I had no idea that so many people struggled with pornography and sexual addiciton. I had no idea that GOOD people struggled with it. And I certainly had no idea that MOST people struggled on some level. (I'd say "most" is a a generous understatment - wouldn't you?)

After Husband returned from PASG I realized that the entire time he was gone I read and read and read. New blogs, old blogs and forum posts. I got sucked into the world of addiction recovery and didn't come out for nearly 2 hours.

I found new friends and checked in with old friends. I read miraculous and heartbreaking stories. I found strength among my sisters who are also fighting this addiction with all they have. And I came out inspired (a little tired) and stronger.

To say I'm in good company is an understatement.

I'm glad to know now what I didn't know then.


  1. It's a sad consolation, but a consolation nonetheless. And I'm ever grateful for my WoPA friends.

  2. You are certainly in good company. And there are so many more of us out there who have yet to make that realization. It's an entirely different world when you have friends in your struggle, isn't it?

  3. I'm glad I found you too! Finally discovering that I wasn't alone brought me so much strength. I noticed pornography talks, but a lot of talks about family.

  4. Mrs. A, you are just one more link in the chain of strength that we are creating, my friend. We are all glad to have you on our team. ;)

    I wonder if there were any pornography talks in Priesthood session ... Does anyone know?

  5. I love that this world exists! I'm so glad I found this little mini blog world of support. Is there a name we call ourselves?
