Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Just Him

I spent 16 straight hours connecting with real people who I really love.

I learned real things.
I felt real love.
I knew I had support.
And validation.
And connection.
And absolutely nothing to be lonely about.

But at the end of it, I got in my car (alone) and cried. Because none of it was with Husband. And that's who I want to have real love and support and validation and connection and real with. As much as I love the others, the relationship that matters the most to me has none of those things.

It was a beautiful day with new friends and old. I was genuinely happy to be there.

But at the end of the day, I just want all of that with the man I share my life with.

That's what makes it lonely.


It's a strange sensation to have a life changing day, then come home to everything being the same.

I feel different, I learned things, I'm ready to try something new....
 .....but I came home to the same old stuff.  Nothing new here. Same lonely. Same pain. Same bad habits. Same petty problems.



  1. Yes. Yes yes yes. I completely related to that. We have each other, definitely. But it's THAT relationship we want to have all this love and validation with.

  2. Replies
    1. I wish he could just feel this and not HAVE to see it. :) (He doesn't ever read anything I write, he's not so interested. Though now that you mention it, it wouldn't kill me to talk to him about it, would it?)

    2. Yup. I totally get it. What you wrote touched me very much. I hope that one day, one way or another, he'll get it to, and want it more than anything else at all.
