My MIL is a dear person who I typically have a really great relationship with.
But her views on things are sometimes....extreme. Usually I can just write it off as her being her and agree to (silently) disagree.
She has a strained relationship with her daughters, but because of when I entered her life (and many common interests) I sortof feel like she has felt closer to me. I also happened to marry her golden child (oh, poor mama would die if she knew) and by association I am also golden.
But tonight I did something she doesn't approve of RIGHT in front of her. Like in her mind it's a sin. (In my mind it's not - didn't even cross my mind that she might take issue with it.) And oh the shame.
I asked Husband if I was going to get grounded. He said yes. We laughed. I cried a little inside. And here I am 4 hours later still squirming at the thought that she doesn't approve of me.
Oh shame. How I loathe thee.
Oh shame. I hate that little thing called shame. I hope things go well with your MIL.