Sunday, September 22, 2013


Jacy was sharing her dreams and I realized that I've never been a big dreamer. I don't want to be rich or famous or well liked. I want a simple life. With a few close friends and a lot of kind acquaintances.

I started to write my simple dreams as a comment on her post, but now I can't stop. I don't have BIG dreams, but I do have a BIG list of SIMPLE dreams.

I want to stay at home with my Littles and teach them to make bread and listen to them play catch together while I weed the garden.

I want to learn to do my own hair and not look like some icky 70's rocker dude with the wavy-not-curly hair.

I want to own my own home and have it feel like peace instead of chaos and tension.

And someday I want to ride a bike in a skirt. The kind of bike with a bell and a basket. I want to take that bike grocery shopping for just a loaf of bread, pay cash and put the change in my pocket. On my way home I'll wave to my neighbors as I ride past smiling like an idiot. I don't want to do this everyday - just once. ..... Or maybe twice.

I want to teach. I'm unqualified to teach most everything - but someday somehow I'd like to teach someone something of value. I don't really know that I care about the format, or the content. I'd just like to teach.

I'd like to be followed by a photographer for 18 hours while I do regular life. I want someone to capture the sweet and normal moments of my life.
My boys sitting on my lap while I read them bedtime stories.
The 3 of us snuggling under the covers of my son's twin-sized bed.
The face my little one makes when I've served him unacceptable food (read: not ice cream) and he dumps it all over the floor and blows raspberries my direction.
The sweat dripping off my forehead after I've spent hours in the yard tearing out the bad and cultivating the good.
Husband and I curled up together on the love sac at the end of a long day.
I want my real life - in all it's horror and glory to be documented by someone who has the gift for making even the ugliest moments look incredible.

As it turns out, I've had all kinds of opportunities to live many of my simple dreams. And for that I feel blessed.

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