Sunday, March 25, 2012


I feel like I spent a lot of the time "in the beginning" (I don't really know when "the beginning" ends and something else starts....whatever, I'm calling it the beginning anyway) trying desperately to find and avoid Husband's triggers.

He couldn't be alone - so I babysat him.
He couldn't be stressed - so I took on everything I could to relieve him.
He couldn't be angry - so I walked on eggshells. I'm bad at shell-walking. But I sure tried.
He couldn't be bored - so I invented things for him to do.

In case you're new to the addict language THAT is a beautiful picture of codependence.

But I have worked (and am continually working) to let him be the boss of making sure his triggers don't happen often and he deals with them properly when they do.

It's left me all kinds of time for me to identify MY triggers for my bad behavior.

And exhaustion is a big one for me.

Not just being tired. Or not sleeping enough. I can usually deal with that pretty well, but that run-ragged can't do enough, be enough, or try enough kind of exhaustion. It kills me - every time.

The thought of cooking another meal, writing another e-mail, or reading one more story to my boys makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.

I get overwhelmed and overworked and overtired and I simply can't deal with my life and all that it demands of me.

So I lash out, and I suddenly see all of the horrible things that I hate about the people around me. Husband included. I simply can't tolerate my extraordinarily imperfect life.

So I am trying hard to avoid exhaustion by better managing my time and resources. I'm trying to work more efficiently and spend time doing the most important things. But I know that I won't always be able to avoid that feeling of complete exhaustion when I simply can't deal anymore.

So I'm curious - what do you do when you hit that wall? (or any other wall that you might have...)


  1. I've learned to laugh. Or if I can't laugh, I tickle somebody -- usually my five-year-old. Or run! Or ROAR! (I guess it helps that I have boys, huh? ;)

    1. :) I have boys too! Lucky me!!! (I always think it's SO funny when my 2 year old gets right up in my face adn ROOOOAAAARS! He can roar better than anybody I know. I should take a lesson from him.)

  2. Yoga, paint, take a shower, ride my bike, take the dogs for a walk, cry, visit a friend, let it go...get out of the house, be alone, breathe. Drop things that aren't important, let go of expectations.

    I'm sorry my friend. These are heavy heavy burdens to have on your shoulders and you do deserve a little break. I'd invite you over, feed you some yummy lunch, watch our kids play in the yard and just let you escape it for a few minutes.

    1. EMS (can I call you EMS?) that sounds simply LOVELY. Wouldn't it be cool if we could have lunch dates via blogs?

    2. P.S. I like the name Scabs better... lol... kidding... but it always makes me chuckle because I can envision you extending the crusty old scab pinched between your thumb and index finger, and then telling your husband you'll forgive him if he eats it... and then the wheels in his head turn... oh man! It's terrible, yes, but there are some slightly humorous parts to it all, huh?

      LOVE YOU BOTH! ;)


    3. I once had a cat named scabs. :) I like you better than that cat though. So....

  3. I'd love to do lunch too!!!! Ugh! Too bad we're all so far apart..... well, where are you Mrs. A? Maybe we live close? Or do I already know this? lol If we are close, I'd LOVE to meet you! I'm in SLC

    You know, I joined a gym. I've never been a gym person, but I did and I'm loving it. My son goes and plays in the daycare place and I get to take my anger out on the elliptical and the weights.

    I also write... and write... and write...

    Hang in there.
