Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Do Whatever You Want

I recently taught an organizing workshop to the Relief Society in my ward. (Relief Society=women ward=local congregation) It was intimidating to do because I'm not technically an expert. I'm just sortof a pain in the ass to live with.

But there I was. Teaching an organizing workshop.

At the beginning of the class I told them that I was going to give them a whole bunch of specific rules and ideas for things. I was going to tell them about processes that work for me. And I made them solemnly swear that they wouldn't take it as truth if it stressed them out. That ultimately they would do whatever they hell they wanted.

So I wrote down rule #1 at the top of the chalkboard.

Do whatever you want.

And it was the theme of the night.

I feel like I learned Rule #1 here. In WoPA land.

We all ask for advice because we don't have a clue what to do. We want advice from everybody around us. What worked? What didn't? Why? What should I do in a similar situation?
In organization it was what do you do with all the nerf darts? And where do you store the 9 million "crafts" made out of construction paper?

I have answers for all that - but they only work for me because of my current emotional state and circumstances.

So when I said "horizontal surfaces are not storage facilities, they are for decorations only." and "it can't be in your home if it isn't functional or beautiful." I pointed to "but do whatever you want!" (because we don't say "hell" at church....even if we mean it.)

And when I spout my infinite wisdom here (and live, in person) I always want to say "stop having sex! have more sex! leave him! stay and wait! Get therapy! screw therapy! but do whatever the hell you want!" Because what do I know about you and where you are and what you should do? Who am I to tell you how to live? answer: nobody.

I definitely need a good sounding board, and I've had excellent advice from many many sources (but mostly WoPAs) and I'll be forever grateful for the tips, advice and support offered.

But it only works when I'm doing what I want.


  1. I kind of love this. And I love you! -MM

  2. I love rule number one, and think everyone should have the right to live by it!

  3. Our gospel doctrine teacher said "get the hell out" (as a quote) in church today, and I found it kind of awesome, ha. I love this. A good sounding board is what we all need. Not the be all, end all, advice of the one who thinks they've got it figured out. Love this!
